Shell Commands

Command Description Example
ssh (ip) Used to remotely connect to a device with a known ip ssh pi@
cd (path) Changes the current directory cd /home/pi/Downloads
cd ../ Moves to the parent folder
cd - Return to the last cd (helpful for switching between two paths)
ls Lists all files in the current directory
nano Text editor for various files nano
clear Clears all text from the shell
rm Removes a file rm delete_me.txt
rm -r Removes a folder with everything inside of it rm home/pi/delete_me
sudo -s Elevates the terminal with administrator privilege
scp (file) (directory) Copies files to another path or remote directory
nohup (command) (args) Continues the command/executable even if ssh connection is lost
Shortcuts Description
tab Autocompletes a path or filename
tab (x2) Shows all available autocompletions for a command
Ctrl + C Interrupt a currently running program
up/down arrow Traverse through previously entered commands