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Welcome to Pitt Sailbot!



Check out the Getting Started for steps on how to set up your environment to contribute.


Commonly used resources and commands can be found under the Tips tab.

How to edit this site

Documentation is written using markdown and published through Github pages using mkdocs. If you're unfamiliar with using markdown, check out this handy cheat sheet.

How to make changes

In depth documentation for mkdocs can be found here.

  1. In the terminal, install mkdocs and the mkdocs material theme with:
pip install mkdocs
pip install mkdocs-material
  1. If adding any new files, add the file under the mkdocs.yml's nav config like so:
   - Getting Started: "Getting"

This will make the file "Getting" visible on the web page's index

Previewing changes

To preview the documentation site before pushing changes to github: 1. In the terminal, run:

mkdocs serve
  1. In any web browser navigate to

Last update: November 14, 2023